EDUCATIONResource Guides

Resource Guides are available as DVDs and books to any group that can use them. Click the title below to access a PDF copy.

To order hard copies, contact us at or call us at (615) 292-7027. You can have them shipped to an address you specify (paying shipping and handling) or request in-person delivery.

  • When Violence Hits Home (English – Spanish) – Provides an overview of domestic violence. Includes the Power and Control Wheel, information about the effects of domestic violence on children, a personalized safety plan, and who to call for help in Tennessee.
  • Our Children (English – Spanish – Arabic) – Offers an overview of child sexual abuse. Includes topics such as abuser tactics, prevention, online safety, and the court process.
  • Crime Survivor’s Guide (English – Spanish) – A resource on the Tennessee criminal justice system, written with the victim and victim’s family in mind. Topics covered include going to court, sentencing, victim impact statements, parole, Tennessee Sex offender Registry, and victims’ rights.
  • Senior Safety (English – Spanish) – Focuses on elder abuse, but also includes information on fraud prevention and setting up a conservatorship.
  • Human Sex Trafficking  (English – Spanish – Mandarin Chinese) – A resource for preventing and raising awareness about sex trafficking in Tennessee. Includes information such as warning signs, statistics, and local resources.
  • You Too (English – Spanish) – Addresses sexual assault with focuses on date rape drugs, risk reduction strategies, consent, and appropriate bystander behavior.
  • Green Flags (English)- This guide explores the elements that make a healthy relationship, discusses the characteristics of healthy relationships, and provides recommendations for resources in building and maintaining healthy relationships.
  • Take Ctrl – A resource guide on online safety for all ages. This guide outlines basics of safe browsing as well as the problems of cyberbullying, online predators, sexting, malware, and Internet fraud.

Click here to download the Resource Guide Evaluation. Please e-mail the evaluation to or mail to YHTP,  PO Box 40007, Nashville, TN 37075.

Thank you to the Nashville Predators Foundation for funds to update and print “The Crime Survivor’s Guide”, “Our Children” (Child Abuse), and “When Violence Hits Home” (family violence).

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