YHTP Summer Safety Series (Updated Offerings and Schedule!)

June 17, 2020

YHTP’s Summer Safety Series is designed to provide in-home, socially distanced education on major issues related to violent crime and personal safety. Most are recommended for adult audiences, although children are encouraged to join their parents for “Hacking Online Safety”.

We offer four different rotating webinars every Friday at 10 AM Central. Dates and registration are available below the description for each one. You can also register via the webinar announcements featured on our Facebook page.

The available webinars we offer are
Protecting the Future: Child Abuse and Safe-at-Home Orders
Stay Connected: Technology Safety and Youth
Hacking Online Safety: What Parents and Kids Need to Know
Unsafe at Home: Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Sheltering in Place

Protecting the Future: Child Abuse and Safe-at-Home Orders

The abuse people suffer in childhood can impact the rest of their lives. And ironically, social distancing and safe-at-home orders may not keep them safe. In this presentation, we explain the warning signs of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and provide strategies to help keep your children safe in person and online. Find out what you can do to help protect a child who is being abused.

This webinar is intended for those who want to learn what child abuse is, how to recognize child abuse, and how to respond to child abuse (personally and legally).

All “Protecting the Future” webinars are scheduled for Fridays at 10:00-11:45 AM and available at the following link:


on the following dates:

August 7


Stay Connected: Technology Safety and Youth

We’re more dependent than ever on technology to educate, entertain, and communicate with our kids… but are we keeping them safe? We provide an overview of basic rules on Internet safety and tips for parents that can help protect your children from cyberbullying, online predators, sexting disasters, malware, and Internet fraud. It includes a discussion of common apps your kids may be using and steps and resources available to you in securing their safety online.

This webinar is intended for parents and those who work with youth using technology. It identifies what youth are saying about technology; what platforms youth are using; discusses red flags of cyberbullying, sexting, and negative impacts of technology; and, identifies and explores resources available for technology safety.

All “Stay Connected” webinars are scheduled for Fridays at 10:00-11:15 AM and available at the following link:


on the following dates:

August 14


Hacking Online Safety: What Parents and Kids Need to Know

We developed this alternate version of “Stay Connected” with both parents and kids in mind. We share what kids are telling the experts about how they use and experience tech. We talk about danger signs that adults might see in their children… and that kids might spot in their friends, online or IRL. By showing both parents and kids what they can do to protect themselves from cyberbullies and predators, we create an opportunity for real conversations about our digital lives.

NOTE: Keep in mind that this presentation works best when both parents and kids are watching and participating together. It can be watched by parents alone, but works best when kids are present so they can discuss the content and issues raised.

Updated version coming soon!


Unsafe at Home: Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Sheltering in Place

Current conditions of enforced isolation and generalized fear play to the advantage of abusive partners. How do we reach victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in a time of social distancing, when people are trapped at home with the person who poses the greatest danger to them? Help is still available for people who need it… it just looks different. Find out how you can provide safety and hope in a time when both seem in short supply.

This webinar is intended for those who want to know what domestic violence is, how to recognize domestic violence, and how to support survivors of domestic violence and assist in developing a safety plan.

All “Unsafe at Home” webinars are scheduled for Fridays at 10:00 AM-12:15 PM and available at the following link:


on the following dates:

August 21

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